Wybrane publikacje |
1 | Artykuł 2024
Multiscale analysis of composite pressure vessel structures wound with different fiber tensile force. Composite Structures. 2024, vol. 337, art. 118065, s. 1-14. ISSN: 0263-8223; 1879-1085 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX |     |
2 | Referat konferencyjny 2018
Martensitic transformation in austenitic steel induced by temperature and stress variation. W: Modelling of microstruktured media V : abstracts, Lodz, 11-12 October 2018 / eds. Piotr Ostrowski and Barbara Tomczyk. [Łódź : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2018]. s. 87-90. ISBN: 978-83-7283-942-8 |
3 | Artykuł 2018
Elastic properties of a unidirectional composite reinforced with hexagonal array of fibers. Archives of Mechanics. 2018, vol. 70, nr 3, s. 207-239. ISSN: 0373-2029 | Zasoby:URLSFX |     |
4 | Referat konferencyjny 2017
Martensitic transformation in austenitic steel : biaxial stress state. W: 9th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures and 2nd International Conference on Advances in Micromechanics of Materials : conference proceedings, Augustow, June 4-8, 2017 / red. Andrzej Seweryn ; Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Branch of Białystok, Section on Mechanics of Materials. Committee on Mechanics. Polish Academy of Science, Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Białystok University of Technology. [B.m. : b.w., 2017]. s. 181-182. |
5 | Referat konferencyjny 2017
Modeling of magnetorheological elastomers with nonlinear constitutive model. W: 9th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures and 2nd International Conference on Advances in Micromechanics of Materials : conference proceedings, Augustow, June 4-8, 2017 / red. Andrzej Seweryn ; Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Branch of Białystok, Section on Mechanics of Materials. Committee on Mechanics. Polish Academy of Science, Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Białystok University of Technology. [B.m. : b.w., 2017]. s. 70-71. |
6 | Artykuł 2016
A constitutive hardening model of coupled plastic deformation and martensitic transformation in steels. Mechanics of Materials. 2016, vol. 100, s. 154-166. ISSN: 0167-6636 | Zasoby:DOISFX |    |
7 | Referat konferencyjny 2016
Boundary element analysis of 3D thermomagnetoelectroelastic anisotropic solids. W: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Salerno, Italy, 5-9 June 2016 / eds. M. Ciarletta, V. Tibullo, F. Passarella. Mercato San Severino : Edizioni Paguro, 2016. s. 255-258. ISBN: 978-88-99509-14-9 |
8 | Referat konferencyjny 2016
Boundary element analysis of defective thermoelectroelastic bimaterial with coherent high temperature-conducting interface. W: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Salerno, Italy, 5-9 June 2016 / eds. M. Ciarletta, V.Tibullo, F. Passarella. Mercato San Severino : Edizioni Paguro, 2016. s. 251-254. ISBN: 978-88-99509-14-9 |
9 | Komunikat konferencyjny 2015
Elasto-plastic homogenization of metalic composite. W: Modelling of microstructured media IV : abstracts, Lodz, 15-16 October 2015. Łódź : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, [2015]. s. 21-22. ISBN: 978-83-7283-698-4 |
10 | Artykuł 2015
Modelowanie materiałów kompozytowych - część 2. Materiały Kompozytowe. 2015, nr 3, s. 26-29. ISSN: 2084-1949 |