Wybrane publikacje |
1 | Referat konferencyjny 2024
Comparison of economic factors and machining effects using conventional boring bar and tool with a mechanical vibration damper. W: 44rd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 27-28 November 2024, Granada, Spain. [King of Prussia, PA] : International Business Information Management Association, cop. 2024. s. 1-15. ISBN: 979-8-9867719-4-6 | Zasoby:URL | |
2 | Artykuł 2024
Technological considerations in WEDM of carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide composites (Cf-SiC). Manufacturing Technology. 2024, vol. 24, nr 6, s. 1-13. ISSN: 1213-2489; 2787-9402 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX |     |
3 | Artykuł 2024
Machinability analysis of thin-walled carbon fiber reinforced ceramic composites based on wire electrical discharge machining. Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin = Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie. 2024, nr 77, s. 5-13. ISSN: 1733-8670; 2392-0378 | Zasoby:DOIURL |     |
4 | Artykuł 2022
Investigation of abrasive cutting of ceramic matrix composites based on thin-walled elements using diamond wire. Tehnički Vjesnik - Technical Gazette. 2022, vol. 29, nr 2, s. 641-645. ISSN: 1330-3651; 1848-6339 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX |     |
5 | Referat konferencyjny 2021
Analysis of the selected effects of conventional and unconventional machining of monel 400 alloy. W: Innovation management and sustainable economic development in the era of global pandemic : proceedings of the 38th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 23-24 November 2021, Seville, Spain / ed. Khalid S. Soliman. [King of Prussia, PA] : International Business Information Management Association, cop. 2021. s. 119-127. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-7-1 | Zasoby:URL | |
6 | Artykuł 2021
Comparative analysis of different WEDM strategies applied to cut WC-Co cemented carbides. Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal. 2021, vol. 15, nr 4, s. 126-135. ISSN: 2299-8624 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX |    |
7 | Artykuł 2021
Drilling of holes in aluminum matrix composites at dry and with the minimum quantity lubrication of the cutting zone. Tribology in Industry. 2021, vol. 43, nr 3, s. 500-510. ISSN: 0354-8996; 2217-7965 | Zasoby:DOISFX |   |
8 | Artykuł 2020
Comparative analysis of WEDM with different wire electrodes applied to cut titanium Ti6Al4V. Journal of Machine Engineering. 2020, vol. 20, nr 4, s. 116-125. ISSN: 1895-7595; 2391-8071 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX |   |
9 | Artykuł 2019
Experimental model on the wire wear for wedm of hard to machine materials. Journal of Machine Engineering. 2019, vol. 19, nr 4, s. 110-121. ISSN: 1895-7595; 2391-8071 | Zasoby:DOIURLSFX |   |
10 | Artykuł 2019
Wybrane aspekty termiczne obróbki WEDM stopu tytanu Ti6Al4V = Heat affected zone analysis of Ti6Al4V after WEDM. Mechanik. 2019, nr 12, s. 833-835. ISSN: 0025-6552 | Zasoby:DOI |   |